A downloadable game for Windows

Your name is Brae Emit, and you are on a mission to kick Dirk Strider's ass. You are a transfem fae who had just a year ago ended up adopting a teenager dropped off at your doorstep. The kid's name is Kain and they were apparently raised to one day save the world of Earth-C. However, such heroism, in your opinion, is best left to experts.
For the grievous sin of denying a child a proper childhood, you seek out Kain's previous parents to give them a piece of your mind.

In this game, you control Brae. Kain will follow you everywhere.
The only ability you need is the ability to swing a frying pan.

When in the midst of a confrontation, you may encounter a quicktime event. You will need to press Q (or left shoulder button) when the cursor is lined up with the exclaimation mark.
Other than that, and a little bit of mild exploring, your mission should be a straightforward one.


This game was made for the 2024 Gaymak event, and is the third chapter in the None Pizza with Left Beef series. You can find the first game here, and the second game here

It also has a webcomic on mspfa, which is currently at a point between chapter 1 and 2.


left beef chapter 3 part 1 version 1.01 36 MB

Install instructions

Unzip somewhere where you can stand to have a pile of files and doubleclick the game.exe to begin playing. No further installations should be necessary.

If a file is missing in-game, please tell me.


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Got an error when I tried to run the game.


ah, thank you! I'll fix that right away!

No problem,  I've had that issue with my own games before :D

alright, zip file has been updated!

to the three people who have already downloaded the game, any vehicle.png in the characters folder will make it work, as vehicles aren't actually used in this agme.